Essence of Survival

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The Essence of Survival 

Your Guide to Resilience and Renewal

Dive into the profound journey of resilience and healing with The Essence of Survival, a heartfelt and insightful guide tailored for domestic violence survivors and those dedicated to understanding the profound realities survivors endure.

About the Authors

Written collaboratively by Dr. Allanah Roberts Headley, a seasoned licensed mental health counselor, educator, and devoted mental health advocate, alongside Keaidy Bennett, a courageous domestic violence survivor, entrepreneur, and author. Together, they offer a comforting companion for those traversing the path toward healing.

Unveiling the Depths of Healing

The Essence of Survival unveils the layers of abuse, providing vital insights and practical strategies to empower survivors on their journey. Dr. Roberts-Headley's wealth of experience in clinical mental health and counseling education, combined with Keaidy Bennett's empowering narrative, creates a nurturing and informative space for growth and recovery.

What You'll Find Inside

Within these pages, readers will uncover essential insights to recognize the signs of abuse, identify healthy relationship dynamics through green flags, and learn how to recognize reactive abuse with resilience and self-compassion. This empowering guide includes therapeutic coloring pages for solace on challenging days and thoughtful journal prompts that encourage self-reflection, fostering growth.

Nurturing Your Soul

The Essence of Survival stands as a testament to the strength and resilience of survivors, offering a roadmap towards a brighter tomorrow. This paperback book contains 192 pages and measures 8.5 x 11 inches, providing ample space for the transformative journey within. Expect to find journal prompts, exercises, and positive mantras that validate your experiences, allowing you to embrace healing and rediscover your essence.

Your Path to Belonging

Focusing on helping survivors understand they are not alone in their experiences, The Essence of Survival addresses physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, financial, spiritual/cultural abuse, and reproductive coercion. We also discuss narcissistic and post-abuse experiences, delving into topics such as the silent knight and the abuse cycle, using case study examples to help readers identify each stage. This guide instills a sense of belonging, giving survivors the courage to break free from patterns that echo their past fostering hope and strength.


A portion of all proceeds will be donated to Stand Up Survivor. A nonprofit organization that helps men and women transition to safe living after experiencing domestic violence. To learn more about them, please visit:

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